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Sacred Travel to Egypt
…and other destinations

"The pilgrim's quest is age old. People are always traveling in search of the sacred, whether to the top of a mountain, a sacred spring, or across the great waters to an obscure oracle or temple. We are motivated by the desire to transcend the ordinary, to interact with spirit, to reflect, or to remember ourselves. Egypt is the source and the goal for many modern pilgrims. Her call reaches out through dreams and visions, schoolbooks and stories, and her art and statuary that live in museums around the world. The lure of Egypt reaches each of us in a unique way and can be a joyful, sometimes frightening surprise that wraps around our mind and tugs at us 'till we yield to do whatever it takes to get there." 

Excerpt from Sacred Travel in Egypt Article by Nicki Scully

Indigo Ronlov in Egypt
Zahra Indigo Rønlov MA

"Shamanic Tours, Ltd. has stopped organizing tours. After personally leading more than 60 tours to Egypt, and organizing many more, Nicki is delighted to pass the baton to others skilled to others who have shown great skill in every aspect of this privileged work, from organizing to teaching, to building relationships with an amazing new array of contacts that will improve what Shamanic Journeys created as well as bring down costs. Indigo is also fulfilling dreams I had but could never accomplish, and in ways I could not have imagined. From now forward, my tour-leading and organizing protégée will be taking our tours to a new level! Her passion of all things Egypt has inspired her to create her own company, and I am fully behind her."

Nicki Scully

Upcoming Pilgrimages w/ Zahra Indigo

December 9 - 22, 2025  The Gifts of Ma'at ~ A Solstice Pilgrimage in Egypt

July 27 - August 6, 2027  The 2027 Amn Re SOLAR ECLIPSE Egypt Journey

Cheryl Aarts

Cheryl is an International Best-Selling Co-Author of the book Unlocking the Matrix: The New Codes of Ancient Egypt. Her soul has guided her to many sacred and ancient sites around the world including Egypt, Iceland, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Hawaii, & Sedona.  With her deep connection to these spiritual locations, Cheryl is now offering International Retreat experiences.

Cheryl Aarts in Egypt

Upcoming Pilgrimages w/Cheryl

November 18th - 30th, 2025   Spiritual Journey through Egypt 

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