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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Melting ice on our pondThis was a year of great escape. Escape from pain and confinement, from being able or having to do just about everything. My vision was muddled and blurred, awash with movies I can't remember, endless sleep, continuous pain, and yet the joyous, fulfilling love of friends and family forcing me to rise to meet their love and joy and honoring. I rise and push and fall again, waiting for myself to return, but I never did. The new vision is seeping in, as the ice begins to melt. Under it's cold, crystalline surface it appears, and the magic to bring it alive is evident with each new synchronicity. Magic is alive! Magic is afoot! Time continues and out of the cave and the darkness a new world emerges, with all the blessings I need to fulfill my next sacred purpose. I guess I've accepted another round. Blessed Be. I hope I'm up for it!

By the way, the above paragraph I wrote during Normandi's telewrting class last week, looking at the year in review and reflection. She has just completed an amazing series that I hope she repeats soon. Please stay tuned for her next tele/web/Skype class in Februaray and March of 2014, and check out all the information about our Egyptian Mysteries retreat in Indiana in May, 2014. You will find details here…

This is also a quick reminder that Winter Solstice is coming up this weekend, Saturday morning at 9:11am Pacific, and we are in the window of the full moon between now and Solstice. It is a very powerful time, and all your thoughts and reflections during this time will feed and nourish your ideas and the seeds you plant for the next year. Pleas joing us on our Planetary Healing call to action, more information below.

Here is the latest from Indigo in Egypt. She is having an amazing and magical time with her son, while doing the groundwork for our March Service and Egyptian Mysteries tour. Her service project has taken wings and all doors are opening for us. It's quite amazing, really. A few of us will go early to do a couple of workshops with the students, so that they will be ready to work with us in the time we have for the project during our Egyptian Mysteries tour. It will be quite an exchange with the children and their teachers in Egypt, and I think it will have a wonderful influence on how the Mysteries come through us and what initiations and rites of passage are given. There are no tourists in Egypt at the moment, and as Indigo will tell you, even the hawkers and merchants are on their best behavior! No pressure to buy, but everyone is grateful to see us.

I have so much more I want to tell you about the nuts and bolts of this project. Please join our Call to Action this weekend, and we will take a few minutes to fill you in. I hope you can feel our excitement. There is so much energy swirling around this, and so much magic!

Much love and Solstice blessings,

Indigo's Note from Egypt

Greetings Friends!

I am writing to you from Egypt, where I have been since last Wednesday, the 12th of December 2013. I came on this trip with my sixteen year old son, Logan, for many reasons, but most importantly to work on the service work our tour will be offering when we are here this coming March. Below are a few excerpts from my daily journal. I hope you enjoy reading them, and see how wonderful it is here. The country has never felt safer, and the Egyptian people look forward to the day when others realize this safety is real and begin to return to visit this amazing land.

Indigo sharing how to make plarn at one of the workshops in Egypt.Given the current realities in Egypt over the last many years, tourism (one third of the country's income) is basically non-existent right now. This puts many, many people in a challenging situation as they depend on the income from those visiting Egypt. Here is what I say to this… Come to Egypt! If you have ever dreamed of standing near the pyramids or visiting the temple at Philae, of riding a camel in the desert or of witnessing the ancient creation of beauty and engineering displayed throughout the land, come soon. Come often. It is an amazing place, and a really potent time to be here. There is a lot of opportunity for this country to become more than it has ever been. I am honored to be here right now and to come to know those living in the midst of political transformation. Everyone I have been in contact with has been very kind and respectful, even those peddlers who for years have been rude and pushy. The news that reaches the USA is slanted and not always correct. I urge you to think beyond the media.

There has not been a better time to come to Egypt. If your interest has been piqued and my presence here inspires you, we welcome your participation in March. We are looking for a few more individuals to join us as we travel through this magical land, offering our service to a country in need. while experiencing the ancient mysteries through our rites and ceremonies in the temples. Your choice to join us will be rewarded by, what I believe, will be the most unique and fantastic journey of your life. You will not regret it…

If you have any interest in joining the Egyptian Mysteries Service Journey Nicki and I are leading in March, please visit: Shamanic Journeys.

Much love and many blessings,

Excerpts from Indigo's Egypt Journal

Cairo - Friday December 13, 2013: This morning we woke to a rainy Friday here in Giza, Egypt. After a cup of fresh brewed Café Mam at our apartment, we headed out for a trip up to the pyramids just up the street from our apartment. It was quite something to see standing puddles and wet stone as we entered. The vivid color in the stones was really amazing with the wash the rain brought.

Cairo - Saturday December 14, 2013: After little sleep last night due to jet lag and the late afternoon Turkish coffee the day before, our friend and guide, Doaa, picked us up to head south to Sakkara, the location of one of the oldest and largest human made structures. On the way, we stopped at a carpet school to see how the carpets are made. I was quite astonished at the quality and workmanship of these pieces of art. Although the school was not fully operational as Saturday is a day off, there were a few fellows working. Watching one man work on a silk rug strung on a loom twice as tall as I was simply amazing. The skill and precision with which he worked astounded me. There is a very large intricate silk rug upstairs in their showroom that took four years to create and sells for approx. $25,000 US. My husband will be glad to know I passed this one up for one much smaller and quite a lot less expensive.

Indigo Rønlov teaches a class of 40 kids to make "plarn", a yarn made from recycled plastic bags.Cairo - Sunday December 15, 2013: Today, my service learning project gained wings. Thank you winged ones - Ma'at, Thoth, Nekhbet, Isis, Khephera, and others… I met with three separate individuals involved with NGO's who all are interested in helping with this service project. From those connections I have set up today, I have arranged three workshops to teach others how to make "plarn" and to crochet. These workshops will be held before the group arrives for the Egyptian Mysteries Tour in March. Those who attend the workshops will also be invited to join together with the tour group at a location still to be determined. Together our group and those from Egypt will learn about this national monument and clean up the wind blown plastic in and around the area. It is an exciting opportunity to really meet and work together with the Egyptian people, children and adults, poor and not. Those who learned how to make plarn can then take all the useful plastic to create itens of value. It became evident after talking to everyone today that this is in fact a good idea. I have received lots of enthusiasm and interest from those who have the ability to partner with us and engage in the process. Additionally, through these connections, I have now confirmed that plarn is something that is not really happening here, and there is huge potential. All it takes is for me to continue along this path . . .

Cairo - Monday, December 16, 2013: Today, I was given my first opportunity to do a three-hour workshop with a group of children ages 9-12 at the school of my friend Doaa's child. I was expecting maybe 10-15 children. They brought me 40! Wow… Plus there were probably 5 teachers in with us as well. So, I showed them how to cut the plastic bags and then to begin to crochet. I learned that 40 is too many for me to be able to effectively teach at once without help, as most of the kids needed a lot of individual attention. When I am back in March, I plan to go back to work with the teachers there first, showing them how to do this. Then together we will work again with the children, and I will have a team of assistants to help me. From todays experience I also realized that I need to supply sharp scissors rather than rely on the ones they brought from home. Dull scissors made for much difficulty getting through the plastic. Next time I plan to ask specifically for 12-15 year old children, because it very quickly became evident that it was very difficult for some of the younger children and much easier fro the older ones. Some got it right away and others struggled the whole time. Regardless of the struggle, I feel that all benefited by this experience. One girl, whose mom knows how to crochet, was very excited to teach her mom how to cut the bags and then have her mom help her get better with the crochet! It was a very successful experience, and I am extremely grateful for this opportunity!

Luxor - Tuesday, December 17, 2013: Our last stop for our day was at Luxor Temple, where lights illuminated the stones for night visitors like us. Walking next to the columns and statues of such immense proportions really is mind boggling. We shared the temple with what appeared to be a women's football (soccer) team. As we were leaving, we are asked if we would have our photo taken with a lady who was with the team. It turns out she is Dr Sahar El Hawary, the first female member of the Egyptian Football Federation, the first women's referee in Africa, and a member of FIFA. The football team was in fact the Egyptian National Women's Team who has a game tomorrow here in Luxor, and was out visiting the sites. She wanted to have a photo with us "tourists" and invited us to the game. Although we have other plans for tomorrow, we were grateful. Very fun!

Luxor - Wednesday, December 18, 2013: Today, we ate lovely breakfast at our hotel, the St. George. After Candy, the taxi boat driver, met us to take us across the Nile to the West Bank. There we met with a driver who took us to Dendera, an hour away. This temple is dedicated to the goddess Hathor. The amazing colors here are made with ground stone mixed with egg white still show through the many thousands of years since their creation. In areas where smoke damage from coking fires and candle light obscured the paint. New technology has allowed the removal of the baked on soot without damaging the vividness of the color. It was such a pleasure to be here as we took our time exploring in and around this beautiful place.

Winter Solstice Planetary Healing Call to Action

with Rev. Indigo Rønlov in Egypt and Nicki Scully

Saturday, December 21, 9AM Pacific

You are invited to join this FREE Planetary Healing Call to Action as we meet on Winter Solstice, December 21, 2013 at 9am PST. As the season shifts and the light begins its return, we will journey to source to ignite our illuminated, radiant light so that together we can shine our collective brilliance in a beam of love onto the suffering of the world. Alchemical Healing teacher, Rev. Indigo Rønlov, will lead this month's call from her lodging next to the Great Pyramid on her last night in Cairo, Egypt.

In addition to the Planetary Healing journey, Indigo will share stories about her experience and what she has learned during her two weeks of travel in Egypt with her 16-year-old son. Her trip's purpose is to learn how to best offer service to the Egyptian people and land for the upcoming Service and Egyptian Mysteries tour in March 2014, as well as for the completion of her master's degree in eco-psychology at Naropa University. If you are interested in learning more about this service work and how it weaves into the Shamanic Journeys tour at Spring Equinox in March, this will be a great call to participate in.

Please be prompt if you can as we will be in ceremony for the moment of the Solstice, at 9:11am Pacific time.

We look forward to being together with you on this call! Register for this Free Call Here…


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