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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,

“If the only prayer you say in your whole life is “Thank you”, that would suffice.” —Meister Eckhart

There is nothing quite like Winter Solstice. Although you will receive this a day after the first smidgen of extra light begins the new season, it is still in the window of reflection on this most sacred of holy days. As the light turns, we cannot help but be grateful as each new day brings more light into our lives, and more joy if we choose to see it that way.

Acknowledgement of this magical moment is, and has been throughout history, shared worldwide in one way or another. I used to, back in the 70s and early 80s, follow a discipline that included a four day fast that concluded at first light following the longest night with a meditation taught to me by O'Shinnah Fastwolf, one of my first teachers. During these intense days “one way or another” was more accurately described as “one way and many others”— from sweat lodges hosted by Native Americans to ceremonies honoring various traditions from around the globe, and from ancient records of a more esoteric nature.

Winter Solstice remains a time of deep reflection as well as the time to pray for the coming year's garden, and the seeds lying dormant and awaiting the warmth and long sunlit days of spring. I think of winter as a gestation time, that magical time when seeds sprout mysteriously Blue at the turtle release, Sayulita, Mexicoin the darkness of the soil, a mystery that is part of the natural cycles of life— how we all strive to grow toward the light that we cannot yet see.

While we were in Mexico last week, our home was on the beach next to a turtle hatchery where we were privileged to participate in turtle releases that happened during two sunsets of the new moon. Blue reverently held her bowl with two baby turtles, which she named Maya and Clementine, and then released them to their fate. This photo was taken during the second release, when the buckets contained only one turtle each. It was remarkable to watch as these tiny babies diligently made their way down the smoothly raked sand to where the waves came in to meet them. We were told that only one out of every five hundred or more turtles would make it the five days it would take, without eating any food, to get beyond the predators that awaited them shortly after the waves swept them out to sea. Nicki at Tsunami BooksWe all made prayers for their safe passage, and felt gratitude that we could participate in assisting the continuation of this glorious species.

The Union of Isis and Thoth—the launch continues…

After a brief tour that included Portland and Seattle, we had a fun book launch party at Tsunami Bookstore, here in Eugene. The stormy weather had me concerned, but then the room filled and the launch was, well “Houston, we have ignition” says it all… My next book signing will be at the Book Bin East in Salem, Oregon on January 8, 2016, at 7pm. Please let your friends in or near Salem know that I will be there.

click to view videoGrandchildren, the joy continues…

While on my mini book tour in Seattle, we got to spend some short but quality time with two of our grandchildren on Mark's side of the family. As you can see, they were enthralled with their early holiday gifts. Their joy and laughter says it all. I believe that the greatest miracle for Mark and I in this life is our six beautiful, healthy and amazing grandchildren— may this new season reflect our joy on each of them and their parents. We couldn't be happier with every one of them.

Emil and NormandiEgypt, the journeys continue…

This photo of Emil Shaker, our favorite Egyptologist, and Normandi Ellis, co-author of my latest book, The Union of Isis and Thoth was taken a couple of weeks ago during the Nine Gates Mystery School graduation tour to Egypt. Their joy sums up the response to this just completed magical mystery tour. Normandi's next tour is coming up this April, when she co-leads with Indigo Rønlov. It turns out that this is a perfect time to travel through Egypt, as you will discover if Egypt is calling you, and you choose to respond. For further information go to: Astral Egypt: Living and Dreaming Together.

Tamarack Pool

Finally, as I look back on this year and all that I have to be thankful for, the Tamarack Wellness Pool, a 92 degree salt therapeutic pool in South Eugene ranks at the top of my list. I firmly believe that between the pool and my PT, I got my life back so that I can actually lift my nine month old grandchild, a dream that could not have happened even a year ago.

If you are seeking a worthwhile place to make a tax-free donation by the end of this year, I highly recommend this pool, as it is a treasure for our community. During the seven or more years I have been using the pool, I have seen countless people, most way less fortunate than I, find strength, flexibility, and relief in its healing waters. Please check out the links in this missive to find out more about the amazing and much needed benefits this pool offers our community, and the details on how you can help. To learn more about Tamarack and how to support it go to:


Once again, may this Solstice, Christmas, Mohamed's Birthday, Kwanzaa, Chanuka (past) and other holidays of this season grace your life with joy, generosity, and gratitude.

And speaking of gratitude, “Attention is the highest form of gratitude.” Nicki Scully

Thank you for your generosity. May you feel the blessings of the many holidays this season,


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