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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,

I am at a crossroads, a moment that will determine my future and the future of the work I have spent many decades creating. At 71, I can look back at a life filled with magic and surprises far beyond what my imagination would ever have considered possible. As a scrawny awkward child, I would never have thought I would eventually become a scrawny, sometimes awkward spiritual teacher. The body of work I've co-created with Mark, with Thoth and other neteru, with students, and with co-authors and colleagues of the highest caliber and integrity is vast, wide-ranging, and hopefully, is filled with tools that have and will continue to bring healing and solutions to a chaotic and suffering world.

Although I may be a good teacher and a decent writer, I've never really been good at end games. Conversations tend to drag on past numerous logical conclusions. Goodbyes stretch just beyond the appropriate departure. I believe I treat end games and siginificant life change similarly: living life as usual (even as exciting and dynamic as it is) needs to change and I'm asking for your help.

With the physical limitations that plague me and the deteriorating political situation throughout the world, my desire to travel beyond my current commitments (see below) is diminishing. My time with Mark and our grandchildren is becoming more of a priority, and I have contracted for two more books that require considerable time and attention, which precludes galavanting around the world.

Brittney, my loyal assistant who has had my back for the last several years, is making the wise decision to return to school, a decision I support, particularly as things are slowing down here. Of course, I will need a replacement, hopefully in time for the new person to be trained by Brittney before school begins this fall. If you know a qualified person in Eugene, Oregon who needs 15 to 25 hours per week of detailed office management, administrative support, and personal assistance, please let me know, or have them call me for more details.

The Work has grown considerably since Power Animal Meditations, Alchemical Healing, and Planetary Healing were published, and it all seems to interweave with the teachings from the Egyptian Mysteries. I would like to know what you would like to learn from me, and how you would have me best serve our community and our world. My first thoughts of how to proceed with my work is to create a year-long certification training for practitioners of Alchemical and Planetary Healing students, with an eye toward creating as many qualified teachers as possible.

I have also discovered that I love to do Anubis Oracle readings and private Alchemical Healing and shamanic consulting sessions, which I would like to continue whenever possible, and perhaps develop into small packages or even private trainings, or small, connected group trainings. Please let me know your thoughts on this idea.

So I guess I am asking for guidance from you who know me and my work. Who of you out there would commit to a nine-month or year-long training program that would include at least one five day retreat at my home, Skype mentorship and tele/web/classes. And, what would you most like to learn from me?

I love my web store, It's hard to compete with Amazon, however we will continue to have specials that, hopefully, will help you decide to support the authors and artists we carry. Please let me know if there are particular products that you would like to see at our shop.

Well, I guess that's enough for the moment, except for the events that are coming up. Please join me for the following:

Free Planetary Healing Call to Action

Tuesday, August 5th at 6pm/Pacific

Our next Free Planetary Healing Call to Action is just a few days away and in the midst of all that is going on, escpecially in the Middle East, I'm leaning toward the "Blanket over Kosovo" guided mediation from Planetary Healing (pg. 90) with appropriate changes to make it pertinent to the ongoing crises. Please share your comments and topic suggestions when you register for the call here, and encourage your friends and family to join us. The more of us there are on the call, the more powerful and effective the work will be.

Sekhmet Art by Katyln Breene Egyptian Mysteries Sekhmet Empowerment with Nicki Scully

August 8, 7:30 PM Las Vegas

Celebration & Installation of New Sekhmet Statue at the Temple of Goddess Spirituality

August 9-10th, 2014, Cactus Springs, Nevada

I will be in Las Vegas next week for the consecration and installation of the new statue of Sekhmet at the Temple of Goddess Spirituality during a special full moon ceremony (visit for more information). I am also teaching an evening of the Egyptian Mysteries, including a direct Sekhmet healing transmission, on Friday at the Mermanor at 7pm. There are very few spaces left but if you're interested in joining us please e-mail

Art by Willow Arlenea

Alchemical and Planetary Healing Intensive Retreat

August 15-24th, 2014 in Eugene, Oregon

There are still a couple of spaces left in the Alchemical and Planetary Healing Retreat in just two weeks. Come prepared to give, receive, and learn the powerful tools, initiations, and rites of passage that we will share together during this week long catered healing intensive at my house. More details and online registration here…

Egyptian Mysteries Retreat with Normandi Ellis & Nicki Scully

September 11-15th, 2014 in Eugene, Oregon

Normandi and I are hosting our annual Egyptian Mysteries Retreat and slumber party at the Lyceum of Shamanic Egypt (my home center in Eugene, Oregon) in September and there is still room for you to join us! We will be diving deep into the Mysteries through guided meditation, ritual, rites, and discussion. We will also be sharing new work from our upcoming book. It's going to be a special event indeed, with delicious food to top it all off. Please contact me at or visit for more information and registration.

Spirit of Alaska Cruise

June 12-19th, 2015

For seven glorious days we will be immersed in awakening surrounded by stunning scenic beauty and unconditional love. Join us as we sail we the Inside Passage to Alaska, something I have always dreamt of doing. Many renown teachers, healers and speakers from around the world will be sharing their knowledge and ceremonies during this adventure to remember.

For more detailed info go to or call 760-230-5624. Please don't forget to mention that you heard about it from me (I do get credit for each referral that comes from me) and please spread the word to your friends so that we can all share in the fun and wisdom.

Pilgrimage to Egypt with Nicki Scully

October 28 - November 11, 2015

After a 36-year love affair with Egypt, returning again and again to quest for direct experience and articulation, I've somehow reached a new level of perception of the layers of myth and meaning through which ancient Egypt speaks. Allow me to share with you as we explore the Mysteries together and spend nine nights sailing down the Nile on our private dahabeya. Call me sooner than later if you have any questions or simply visit the tour page on and you can register for more information online. This trip is filling quickly.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you in advance for any advice and suggestions you feel will be helpful in my time of life changes. Your feedback means a great deal to me.

in joy and with much love,
Nicki Scully


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