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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Spring flowers and the gazebo in Nicki's gardenDear Friends,

Pickles, pigs and flower competitions are NOT what the Oregon Country Fair (OCF) is about. Picture a three-day gathering at a village rebuilt every year in the woods along the Long Tom river near Eugene, with lattes and a sauna that seats 80. Amidst the handmade crafts, music, gourmet and international foods, and community based culture, we have seventeen stages with everything from a circus to vaudeville, many genres of music, and a spoken word program that has featured the likes of Ram Das, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Amy Goodman, and Yours Truly.

I have been a yearly participant in this fair since 1981, when I first moved to Eugene from the Bay Area. In 1982, I helped produce a Grateful Dead concert on the grounds, which resulted in OCF being able to purchase the land and build a more permanent infrastructure.

About 13 years ago I was asked to shift the energy of a park along the river, which had become a gathering place for some misguided teens. There, nestled amongst the trees along Shady Lane, we built a spirit house, a temple we call Altared Space, filled with icons of all traditions and religions, and decorated with tapestries from Egypt and Tibet and prayer flags made by participants at our sacred crafts table. We also offer Altared Advice, Altared Healing, and a meditation space where fairgoers can take a break from the cacophony, yet still be part of the Fair magic.

Faith Petric, Charla Hermann, Liisa Korpela (on big drum), Brooke Medicine Eagle, Mz. imani, Agnes Baker Pilgrim, her daughter Nadine, Nicki's daughter Elizabeth and Nicki on Main Stage at OCF This year was our 40th anniversary, and it was a celebration of the creative spirit of the Fair and the thousands of all volunteer family of people who come together every year to make it happen. I called together a small group of OCF and indigenous elders to create a ceremonial opening with music and prayer to open the Fair from Main Stage. I also had the privilege of moderating our first Grandmothers’ Wisdom Council, including Grandma Agnes Baker Pilgrim, Brooke Medicine Eagle, Rev. Charla Hermann, Jyoti, and MG Carolyn Garcia, which was packed with mostly women, all of whom braved a drenching downpour on Sunday to listen, laugh and cry with us under makeshift tarps, the water dripping all around us.Nicki Scully and Dr. Bruce Lipton Another highlight for me was the second annual workshop on Science and Alchemy that Dr. Bruce Lipton and I gave on Saturday. I hope to have a podcast and/or video of this available on our sites soon.

Next weekend I will be speaking on a wisdom panel (Saturday, 4-5:45pm) and offering a workshop on Becoming An Oracle (Saturday, 6-7:30pm) at the Mystic Garden Party in Ashland, OR, where you can hear music and participate in a great program July 25-26.

There are still a few openings in the Alchemical Healing Intensive August 1-9, and for our annual Mysteries Retreat August 19-23. Please contact my office right away if you are interested in either of these.

Good news for those who are planning to join me in Egypt November 6-21: I have switched to the brand new luxurious dahabeya, Afandina, for our Nile sail, so that we can enjoy the privacy and intimacy, and special perks that go along with having our own private boat. This will make this a very special tour indeed. There are only eight cabins on the Afandina, so space is limited. Please let me know soon if you want to come on this magical mystery tour as it is filling quickly.

I hope your summer is full of sunshine and magic, and that we are able to play together soon.

Much love and many blessings,


P.S. I'll be available to do a limited number of private sessions and/or oracle readings between August 10th and and 18th and August 24th through September 4th. Email or contact our office to make an appointment. For a free oracle reading go to

I would like to introduce you to our guest facilitator Dr. Mary Lee LaBay Ph.D. She is a psychologist and hypnotherapist based in Bellevue, Washington.

Past Lives and Healing the Mother Daugher Relationship:
A Surprising Twist to the Spiritual Connection Between Us,

by Mary Lee LaBay, Ph.D.

Mary Lee LaBay, Ph.D.Do you have issues that need to be resolved with your mother? Is something blocking your communication with her?

In this recent case, we discovered evidence of the spiritual connection between all of us, while creating an opening to better communication and a smoother relationship between a mother and a daughter.

My client, Jann, in her early 50's, stated that she was afraid to confront her mother about how the mother was treating her and her sister. She felt that if she honestly expressed herself to her mother, she may be rejected and lose the mother's love. Her mother had always seemed distant and her love conditional. During a recent visit from her mother, the issue had become intolerable, and Jann was angry with herself for not having the courage to confront her mother.

During the session, we explored several aspects of these feelings, allowing Jann to better understand the situation and her own responses. Then, we moved to Chair Therapy, a technique that allows the client to experience an open and non-threatening conversation with the other party. During that experience, Jann's imagination revealed to her a "monster" that was protecting her mother. It would roar and try to attack anyone who attempted to draw too close. She then noticed that her mother appeared to be a baby curled up inside the monster that was protecting her.

Investigating this vision, it became apparent that something very traumatic happened to Jann's mother during a past life that left a lasting impression on her soul. The monster had been instituted at that time as a protective device. Without the opportunity for intervening therapy, or other relief from the shock of the past life trauma, this protective response had remained in place, even when it was no longer necessary.

(read the rest of Mary Lee LaBay's article on…)

Alchemical Healing Intensive Retreat with Nicki Scully

August 1 ~ 9, 2009, Eugene, Oregon

Participants who enroll in our intensive summer retreat will be guests at my home for nine days of immersion into the Alchemical Healing form. During our time together, you will become comfortable and confident in practicing Alchemical Healing and will be able to integrate many of the advanced practices into your life and your healing work. You will also experience the new edge of Alchemical Healing as it has come into the form since the book was published.

Register Online at Hathor's Mirror

Gloria Taylor Brown is one of my closest friends and the chief visionary for the Becoming an Oracle program. You can find out more about Gloria at

Events with Gloria Taylor Brown:

A Voice for Spirit Live in Seattle
July 24, 6:30-8pm, Free

Join Gloria Taylor Brown for an in person presentation in the Fremont district of Seattle.

Becoming An Oracle Introductory Workshop, Seattle
July 25, 1-4pm, $35

We will explore Tarot and crystal scrying as tools as well as hear journeys from the new Becoming an Oracle Program.


Both events will be held at Center Peace Healing, which is located at the Community Healing building at 760 No. 34th St. Seattle, WA in Fremont. You can register online at or call Gloria at 206/310-3664 or Karah at 206/794-7231.

Becoming an Oracle Mystery School Retreat
with Nicki Scully and Gloria Taylor Brown

August 19 ~ 23, 2009, Eugene, Oregon

Our Becoming an Oracle Retreat is more than a workshop—it is a pilgrimage during which we will explore ancient and modern oracular technology, with particular focus on ceremonies and initiations that heighten your intuitive senses and bring you into alignment with truth, harmony and your inherent divinity. As you discover your innate oracular abilities, you will learn to find answers to life’s challenges for yourself, for others, and for the Earth. During this unique spiritual adventure you will receive initiations into a number of oracular traditions, and begin to familiarize yourself with divination tools such as runes, tarot, palmistry, crystal gazing and scrying. We begin and end in Egypt, and in between we will visit cultures from the audio program, and others that we were unable to fit into the published course. The Anubis Oracle (written by Nicki and Linda Star Wolf, and illustrated by Kris Waldherr), will be one of the primary oracular tools that we will consult and learn about during this retreat. The Anubis Oracle introduces us to the archetypal deities and elemental spirits from the Egyptian pantheon that have come forward to assist us on our journey of transformation and renewal.

The retreat will be held at the Lyceum of Shamanic Egypt, the healing center maintained at Nicki's home, a magical sanctuary in the hills on the edge of Eugene, Oregon. The retreat begins the evening of August 19 and continues through the evening of August 23.

Visit for more about the 7-CD set, Becoming an Oracle (published by Sounds True) and a sample journey.

Registration and more details on Hathor's Mirror

Osiris card from The Anubis Oracle

Shamanic Mysteries in Egypt with Nicki Scully

November 6 - 21, 2009

Please join me for this extraordinary pilgrimage to explore the ancient mysteries of Egypt. I’ve got something new to share with you. After a 30-year love affair with that majestic, magical place, returning again and again to quest for The Dahabeya Afandinadirect experience and articulation, I’ve somehow reached a new level of perception of the layers of myth and meaning through which ancient Egypt speaks to us. I have also found new ways to immerse you even more deeply in the mysteries and spirit of ancient Egypt. The keys have been unlocked; the way prepared. Anubis, Thoth, Isis, and Sekhmet are among many others in the revered pantheon who will be our true guides as we explore the temples and monuments that still reverberate the intentions of the magician/priesthood that built them.

More Information, Pricing and Itinerary on


Free Cancer Phone Bridge
Saturday, August 8, 10-11 AM PDT

Please join me as we enter into this powerful healing ritual together, creating a circle in space around the world. Whether you are dealing with cancer directly, or wishing to support a friend or loved one who is engaged in this struggle, this unique way of healing cancer is an opportunity to be proactive and utilize the exponential power of our numbers and the sacred geometric properties of the parabola that we create together.

For more information, click here.

To register for the call, click here. (free readings available) (sample journey available)
Private phone sessions with Nicki (click here)

For updated events and a full schedule, please go to our schedules page.

Shamanic Journeys, Ltd.







