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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,

If you are intrigued by the healing magic and how shamanism was used in ancient Egypt, you will not want to miss the first of my “Save the Dates” as promised in my last newsletter. I will be guiding you on a mini-journey connecting you with the wisdom of ancient Egypt through the potent archetypal energies of at least four essential deities— Discover Egyptian Shamanism: Awakening the Deities Hathor, Sekhmet, Isis & Thoth Within You. (Others might show up for you)

The sacred practices I will share can transform your life in deep and lasting ways, as you will meet some of the most important deities of Egypt, with an opportunity to question the one (or more) that comes to you.

The primary dedication of my upcoming work is to reawaken your connection to the natural rhythms of the world and access the tools you need to help bring back Ma'at, the goddess and concept of truth, balance, justice, and the order of things for yourself, your family and community, and the world.

Please join me for this free video event on Wednesday, July 24: Discover Egyptian Shamanism: Awakening the Deities Hathor, Sekhmet, Isis & Thoth Within You. There will be a recording if the timing doesn't work for you.

You can learn more and register here, using my special link:

I will help you journey across boundaries of time and culture — and draw from Egypt's deep connection to Source through its deities and rites of passage.

During this hour long presentation, you will

  • Meet and experience some of Egypt's most powerful deities, who can guide and heal you — and through you, others
  • Learn about potent shamanic rituals practiced by the Viziers and Pharaohs of Egypt
  • Awaken to the knowledge that the deities live within you — as you remember them, you “re-member” your authentic Self
  • Learn a “Heart Breath” practice that will ignite your soul's fire and place you at the center point between matter and spirit, between earth and sky
  • Receive leading-edge shamanic interpretations of the Pyramid Texts, and how they're changing the understanding of modern Egyptology

When you join me for this complimentary mini-workshop, I'll guide you in aligning with the life-transformative energies of these ancient deities so that you can receive their gifts and knowledge through direct experience. You will also experience the life force that emanates through these archetypal energies, which are already inextricably woven into your very being.

Please use this link to learn more and register if you are interested. And Please share it with your friends:

With love and blessings,
Nicki Scully


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