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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Retirement isn't working quite like I thought it would. Somehow I'm busier now than when I was working full time. Go figure. I do attribute my ability to continue to my work with a certain QiGong master, Barclay Powers, and working with him has changed my life. I will have an article about him in a future newsletter. Meanwhile, if you know anyone in the Eugene area, they can join me or they can start a class of their own. Just email me and I will hook you up.

photo by Deborah IrvineFor my 76th birthday Mark and I closed down our home/temple and spent the day reflecting on the magic and incredible partnership we have shared since we got together in 1985 (and married in 1990).

One of the most relevant discoveries was our understanding of the importance of curiosity, and what happens when we, usually Mark, finds a question that won't leave him alone until we ask. Although it's most often Thoth or Anubis, who we ask is usually dependent upon the subject we wish to explore. On this day, Mark's question revolved around parallel universes, and the possibility of exploring beyond this thin shell that both encases and protects the universe we know, and the physics upon which it is based. Ever since science has begun to embrace consciousness, all sorts of new possibilities are being explored. Without boring you with all the details, the level of focus and concentration it takes to follow each question to its full conclusion is hard work, and we are experiencing the limitations of age. What we finally agreed upon was that curiosity is what keeps the magic alive and happening, and we are not ready to quit.

One of our main interests currently is conscious evolution and DNA, along with gravity and other possible limiting factors. So when the question of whether we are going to participate in the speeding up of evolution arose, Mark responded with a resounding "YES!" Curiosity mixed with Optimism is our secret weapon. It is our desire to bring our students to an understanding of how they can consciously change thoughts and give directions for a symbiotic relationship with nature and the cosmos.

Now is time for reflection—it's time to pull those chestnuts out of the fire and share them with the world. Here's a snippet of a recent discovery: I found an interesting, no, more like staggering perspective on DNA that was new to us. It came from an article in BBC Science Focus Magazine, written by Hannah Ashworth, and tells us that while if you stretched the coiled DNA in a single cell, it would be about two meters long. However if you stretched the coiled DNA in all the cells of a human body and attached them together, its length would be approximately twice the diameter of our Solar System.

We commit to bring our optimism to the co-creation of a speedier evolutionary process. There are things we can fit together like a puzzle and make them easier to digest in a way that is both empowering to the recipients and it will light our fire as we jump back in again. Stay tuned, we are not yet complete with our cutting edge work.

The Shamanism Global Summit

The SHIFT Network's Shamanism Global Summit, in which I am one of the speakers, starts July 9. My interview airs on July 10, at 11am Pacific. If you register there will be recordings of whatever interviews you miss. Please use this special link to register

The host of this summit is Michael Stone, a good friend of mine who has invited a number of interesting speakers from many traditions. If you are interested in shamanism, by all means, this will be worthwhile.

Oregon Country Fair

50 Years! Hard to believe. I've only missed one since I moved to Eugene in January, 1981; for a Sun Dance that I was invited to support. The Oregon Country Fair is more than a music and arts festival. It has become a yearly family reunion for an ever growing community of wildly creative, real deal hippies who work all year to create the magic. I will be participating in the Opening Ceremony Friday on the Main Stage at 11:30am and "Opening the Floodgates of Joy" at the Rabbit Hole at 1PM, also on Friday, as part of the Speakers' Program.

Tickets must be purchased in advance, so be quick about it. There is also free bus transportation from Eugene (see

*Save the dates: Egyptian Shamanic Alchemy

Free introductory call: July 24
Free Live Q&A: Thursday, August 1, noon Pacific
Seven Session Course followed by live Q&A: Thursday, August 8-September 19, noon Pacific

The surprise is that I will be repeating the class I did with The Shift Network last year, Egyptian Shamanic Alchemy. They wanted me to do an advanced class, however Mark and I created that one from scratch, and neither of us are physically able to create another one at this time. I've been told by many that this is our best work, but all I can say about it is that the creative process with Mark was High Magik, and the community that joined the online forum was vital and active, and I think it still is ongoing. The reason I want you to have the dates is that it would help me greatly if you used my special link to register, even for the free calls that precede the class, however I don't have the link yet. I'll send it as soon as I receive it. Thank you for your patience.

Sekhmet, Transformation in The Belly of the Goddess Retreat With Nicole Balogh

London, Ontario, Canada
August 10-17

As you all know, Sekhmet, Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess is probably my most important work, and there are only a very few people I would trust to teach/guide people through it. Nicole Balogh is the only person teaching it (authorized by me) and I highly recommend that if you can make it there, it will be a life-changing experience.

Join Sekhmet and Nicole for an alchemical journey of introspection, transformation and healing.

All people develop behavioral patterns during early childhood that, regardless of how conscious we are, direct our responses to the challenges of life. Because of these patterns we react in unconscious ways, ranging from helplessness to rage. We lose our center and often hide or act out in ways that create chaos or that are harmful or limiting to ourselves or those we love. If we can transform these deeply rooted negative patterns, the energy used to maintain them can be released and used for more productive, constructive applications. Then our responses to life would be different—richer and more conscious.

Nicole BaloghIn this work the old habit patterns are the ingredients to be transformed. This transformation process is a kind of alchemy, a way of turning the lead of our deeply ingrained, unconscious reflexive responses into the gold of enlightened choice. You can invite these patterns to rise into consciousness, and offer them and yourself to Sekhmet for transformation.

This retreat is being held in the lovely quiet countryside setting of Serenity Now Yoga in southern Ontario (near London)

Immerse yourself in the alchemy with time to share and process while held in sacred beautiful space and with delicious clean food to nourish you deeply on your journey.

For Further Information go to where there are links to the registration form, or contact Nicole at

Zahra Indigo Rønlov's Schedule

The Gifts of Ma'at

Indigo has been working closely with Ma'at for the last several years and is offering her first Zoom class in two sections of four sessions each this summer. Everything we are doing now is in service to Ma'at, for she represents Truth balance, harmony and Cosmic Law. When those things are out of balance in your life or on the planet, which is the reason we are in such an urgent situation now, Sekhmet comes in to train warriors for Ma'at Indigo has designed her course to work directly with Ma'at to help bring back the balance for you, your community, and the world.

This work is happening during some of the weeks that my Shamanic Egyptian Alchemy class is happening, although hers is on Tuesdays and mine Thursdays, and both will have recordings. They go well together if you are serious and want to take an extra deep dive into the Egyptian Mysteries. Please check out the details on her website or contact Indigo at her email or phone number below.

Alchemical Healing Level 2

August 23-25, 2019 in Eugene, Oregon
November 8-10, 2019 in Essex, UK (assisted by Corina Piliaka Peter)

Zahra Indigo RønlovZahra Indigo is offering two upcoming level 2 classes for those who have taken the level 1 class with any AH teacher or who are interested in revisiting the material once again.

More information and to register:

Egypt Tours:

As you know, I have handed the baton for my Egypt tours to Indigo, now known in Egypt as Zahra, and highly recommend her as she has taken many tours with me and also has made her own connections so that she can design a tour for groups or most likely is taking one that already serves your needs and desires. Please contact her directly about Egypt.

Mysteries of Egypt LLC
PO Box 50774 Eugene, OR 97405 | | 541-525-9339

Meanwhile, may your days be filled with magic and love,


Email Newsletter Services by xnau
