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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Today I turn 71 and I am reveling in the excitement I feel in realizing that I am finally entering elderhood. This comes with an odd mixture of surprise and pride, in addition to a not particularly small dose of wonder, of course, for I have lived hard and fast in the magic that has been the true blessing of my life.

My favorite birthday happened back in the 70's, during the time my children were small and we were living on a ranch in Sonoma County, California, with no electricity or proper plumbing. I had been reading the Hobbit books aloud to the girls and was struck by the Hobbit tradition of gifting others when it is your birthday. On mine that year I went to the Marin County flea market and went shopping. There were quite a few people living and staying on the ranch at that time, and I managed to find something for everyone. So in the spirit of the Hobbits' tradition and the joy of this day, I offer you the following gift:

JOURNEY: Universal Love Practice

(Allow yourself some time and space where you will not be interrupted. Smudge or light incense to clear the air and turn off your phone.)

Kindle your sacred heart flame and breathe the Heart Breath by inhaling the power and intelligence up from the earth through your spine and down from the cosmos through your crown chakra simultaneously until they meet in your heart center and mix with the love that you are and will continue to pour upon your heart flame . . . Be fully present as you take several Heart Breaths and come to center within your heart.

Take stock of everything that has been going on inside you and around you so that as you continue to focus on your heart, you can begin to remove yourself from that turmoil. Find peace within, and as you focus on it notice how your breath naturally responds. Feel the calming.

Use the Heart Breath as needed to assist you in finding and sustaining this calm, centered state.

When you enter this peaceful state, the chaos begins to retreat from within and around you. . . . See yourself as a sphere of blue calm water and air. . . . Notice any changes in your feelings. How does your body feel? How does your mind feel? Where do you still feel tension or excitement in your body? Relax further, releasing tension in each place that you feel it. . . . Notice how letting go of tension and excitement allows the calmness to grow.

The edges of your sphere dissolve outward into something beyond the issues that are happening in your life. . . . It extends beyond the situations of concern on the planet. . . . The sphere extends outward beyond the atmosphere of Earth, incorporating more and more of the planets. . . . As it expands further, encompassing the stars, you begin to feel a growing sense of compassion, and something else. . . . Universal Love becomes the primary frequency, the essential medium of your existence in this expanded state. Focus on this rich sensation that feeds you and become aware of the natural reciprocity involved. You are nurturing the universe as well as receiving its nurturing; you are giving and receiving love in perfect balance. Feel the harmonics as you add your tone to that one universal tone, the one that has always been there. . . .

As you sit in the resonant harmonies of Universal Love and become familiar with them, you can begin to distinguish the unique frequencies of other conscious contributors to it. . . . There are other beings at any given moment who are also tuning in as you are. Notice the similarities in the broadcasting of this tone, as if it were being generated from one unified heart. Notice how this connection to universal love strengthens your heart, while you are simultaneously contributing to it. Sit with this feeling of connectedness and love. . . .[Long pause.]

As you prepare to come back into your body and rejoin your surroundings, breathe the Heart Breath, feel your attention return to your physical body. Notice how you perceive your surroundings from this place of connectedness with universal love.

As you feel yourself coming into completion with this journey, ground and center yourself. . . . Wiggle your fingers and toes, and breathe the Earth part of the Heart Breath to help you connect back to the physical plane.

Take a few moments to journal your experience to help integrate the feelings you have experienced.

I hope you enjoyed this journey. If so, practice it often. Although love and heart-centered presence cannot be forced, the good news is that you might just get there and stay there the next time you try!

(This journey was written by Mark and me during a visioning session for our book, Planetary Healing, Spirit Medicine for Global Transformation.)

One of the few things left on my bucket list is to sail the Inside Passage to Alaska. In light of that I am so tickled and thrilled to announce that for my 72nd birthday I will be doing just that— and you are all invited! The cruise, hosted by Divine Travels, is called Spirit of Alaska: Seminar at Sea. We will set sail from Seattle and make our way North, stopping along the way in Juneau, Skagway and Victoria, BC for seven days immersed in the wonder and beauty of both of Alaska and Shamanism. The faculty list is not yet complete, however, you can count on spending that week with Mark and I. Click here for more detailed information, and don't forget to check back often for new details. If you decide to join us PLEASE Susun Weedbe sure to let them know that you were referred by me as that is how I will get the credits needed to fulfill this dream.

As for today, I am going to continue to revel in the joys of my life by hanging with Mark in our lovely garden, dancing to the songs of the birds, admiring each leaf, bud, and flower as they grow bigger before my eyes… which reminds me of more exciting news! On Tuesday, July 1st at 6p.m/Pacific I have the honor of participating in a half-hour live interview for with one of my favorite teachers: acclaimed herbalist and author, Susun Weed. Please join us live on Blog Talk Radio.

Nicki and NormandiAnd don't forget to join Normandi and I the next night (Wednesday, July 2nd) for our Free Introduction to the Egyptian Mysteries. We plan to share a few details regarding the new book we are working on together with Inner Traditions/Bear & Co. as well as guide you through a new journey with the Egyptian neteru. This call is a perfect way to get more familiar with Normandi and I, and our work, and to prepare for our annual Egyptian Mysteries Retreat in September (Click here for detailed retreat information) Please share with anyone you know that has an interest in the mysteries of Egypt.

Mark and Nicki at Country FairAs for the rest of summer, first and foremost, and always our peak experience, is the Oregon Country Fair. This year I passed the baton as Director of Altared Space to my friend and colleague, Indigo Rønlov, who is already doing a way better job of organizing the priests and priestesses who will tend temple and offer the Altared advice, healing and crafts that make Altared Space the premier respite and connecting point with the spirit of the Fair. I will still be participating in the Opening Ceremony on Friday morning, and will be teaching Personal and Planetary Alchemical Healing with Mark at four o'clock Saturday afternoon at the Rabbit Hole. I hope to see many of you and your huge smiles sometime over that special weekend (July 11, 12, and 13th). The Oregon Country Fair is one of the few events which we measure according to how sore do our cheek muscles get from smiling and laughing.

For a deep dive into Alchemical and Planetary Healing, our annual week long immersion retreat, please join me at my home center in Eugene, Oregon, August 15th -21st. I look forward to combining initiations from Alchemical Healing, Power Animal Meditations, and Planetary Healing with new material that has come through since those were published. For more information and to register for this retreat, visit

Wow. I guess this summer is more full than I had anticipated, and so is the garden. We are actually growing enough food this year to drink fresh green juice almost every day. I also discovered that just being in the presence of the many and various flowers that cover our land bring a sense of peace, healing and serenity. I hope that you will be able to visit us and partake in the healing and nourishment of our sacred land sometime this summer. Please visit often for up-to-date information.

I hope you enjoy my lovely birthday as much as I wherever you are and that it carries through solstice into an abundant and bountiful summer.

Blessings and Love,


Email Newsletter Services by xnau
