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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Spring has finally sprung here in Eugene, and we are enjoying the first warm days of the year. It's a perfect time to remember how lucky we are, and how much is at stake if we don't show up to help heal our planet.

What is a gyre?

A gyre is a rotating body of water, created partially by wind movements. The gyres we are addressing are dependable currents in the ocean that have been created and maintained in responce to the rotation of the earth and what is known as the Coriolis force, North Pacific Gyre World MapOcean Gyresthe deflection of objects which develops as the planet turns and the ocean floor sliding underneath the water creates friction between land and water. Gyres come in all sizes. Even an eddy or a whirlpool is a gyre. There are five major ones and countless minor ones throughout the oceans and seas. The one we are working with on our Call To Action is massive, and massive ocean currents collect pollutants. The biggest of five major islands of debris is known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, contained within the North Pacific Gyre.

As the amount of pollution increases in the ocean the weather is also affected: the storms are becoming stronger and the phenomena like El Niño and La Niña are lasting longer. I have seen photos of sea birds and whale carcasses filled with garbage, mostly plastic, as they decompose.

Planetary Healing Call to Action

Mark and I are excited about the upcoming Planetary Healing Call to Action as we address this crisis. Our oceans are becoming so polluted that many species, plant life and corals are in danger of becoming extinct, and many already have.

The shamanic journey we will take on this call is intended to empower participants to access their wise Higher Self, spirit allies, or spirit guides, however you connect to Source, in pursuit of a multitude of solutions for this problem. This method can be translated into other arenas and ecological challenges as well. We will also be sharing one of those solutions as it came to Mark, however this is too great a problem for any one of us to tackle alone, and needs many creative solutions.

Please join us Tuesday, May 15 6-7pm Pacific: Register Here…

Another opportunity to hear the interviews from the Modern Mystery School Summit

Lorna Liana and her team has been plagued by technical difficulties, prompting a second free offering of a replay of the entire summit, including my interview. The interviews will air for 24 hours, starting Monday at 7AM Pacific. Judging from the numbers of requests I've had for my free bonus gift and the feedback I've received regarding this summit, it is worthy of your time and attention. If you are interested in expanding consciousness by way of various methods, including sacred plant teachers and psychedelics, register for this free replay here:

Blessings and love,
Nicki and Mark


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