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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Osiris card from The Anubis Oracle

Dear Friends,
Ahhh, Egypt… I've just returned and am basking in the glow. There are trips, and there are trips, but this was a Trip!!

It was a special honor to work with Alex and Allyson Grey co-leading with me on this tour. They were always together, and almost always with sketchbooks or paint in hand. They were true inspirations for us all, both as artists and as a loving and devoted couple.

The group was heavily spiced with energetic artistic participants who embraced the adventure and then pushed it into hyper-drive. My memories are full of laughter, music, and the intense immersion into the magic and mysteries of Egypt. The temples will never be the same! I see this group's impact reverberating through time, and influencing all future groups I take to Egypt with me.

For example: I generally don't like toning. I know the value of sound in the resonant chambers in the temples, however it is rare that a group finds the harmony that resonates with the divine frequencies that are possible. On this tour we had two people, Johnny Dwork and Pamela Lewis, trained in overtone chanting. Under their leadership, some of the most exquisite sounds and harmonies came out during our very first ceremony. A bit later on our cruise ship, Johnny led a workshop on overtone chanting, after which I felt secure in letting everyone's voices be heard at appropriate times in the rituals. The results were wonderfully uplifting, and set a standard I feel I can sustain with regard to sounding in the temples on future journeys.

Alex and Allyson Grey

Gallery: Here is the beginnings of a gallery from our trip. I will add more as the photos come in.

In this newsletter my husband, Mark Hallert, is offering some guidance and a process meant to share with you a way he works with Thoth to find inspired solutions. See his article here.

Excitement is growing around and for future Shamanic Journeys, and I can't wait for our next tours, coming up this fall. I'm so excited about the one Normandi Ellis and Gloria Taylor Brown are leading for writers in October that I almost hope it doesn't sell out so there is room for me to go as a participant! That's doubtful, however, as it is a special, intimate dahabeya experience, and it is already filling way faster than expected. If you miss that one, though, you can come with me in November 2009, or with Star Wolf, Brad and Ruby in February 2010. Danielle and Friedemann will be taking a dahabeya journey, in May of 2010. Please see our sacred travel page for our upcoming tour schedule, more trips will be posted soon.

Meanwhile, if you can't physically travel to Egypt, or if you've already been and are homesick, come join Gloria Taylor Brown and me in August for our annual Egyptian Mysteries Retreat. We will be announcing a phone bridge to discuss what we will be doing, soon. Gloria and Normandi have a phone bridge coming up April 21. See here for details.

Please enjoy some of the comments just received from some of the folks on our Equinox tour. We haven't received the feedback forms yet, but here are some clips from emails and letters:

From Philip Roux-Lough MD:

At first I thought it was jet lag—but I have never suffered from such a thing before. Then I blamed New York City—its noisy scattered energies—but then I began to realize that I was just not yet reintegrated!

I am still between the paws of the Sphinx saluting the rising sun.

I am in the depths of the step pyramid, my heart open to the mysteries and offered to Anubis.

I am dreaming of the cosmogenesis I experienced during the sunrise at the Temple of Isis.

I look to Sobek to ground me and to Horus to awaken me as I remember Sekhmet's fierce compassion to balance and comfort me.

Oh Sekhmet, you most wonderful and surprising and powerful aid to the opening of my heart.

The vision of Hathor —as my first oracle deck card —as my overarching deity in my search for a continued healing path —her beautiful face smiling so peacefully atop all those enormous columns —the medicine woman of healing and integration, joy and celebration.

I am regenerating and embraced in the arms of Osiris.

I am still lost in the temple complex at Karnak!

I am penetrated by the illumination of Amun-Ra in the King's Chamber!

Reintegration, transformation and bringing it all back to my community, to my life, to my family and friends—no it's not jet lag!… Philip

For other voices from the tour, see our Testimonials page…

In joy and with love,


Thothful Solutions?

by Mark Hallert

Osiris card from The Anubis Oracle

If Nicki and I had a mission statement, it would include the word “empower.” We have always looked for ways to awaken and strengthen the wisdom and inspiration that lies within all of us. Over the years, we’ve met and worked with people whose abilities to connect to and express these two qualities covers a wide range. At one end of the spectrum a person may have buried them so deep they are unaware of their very existence, and at the other end, wisdom and inspiration blaze brightly, and the person is looking for ways to focus and intensify them.

The members of the ancient Egyptian Pantheon represent the various archetypal aspects of the human psyche. Thoth, a principle of many desirable attributes, primarily represents wisdom. I have a working relationship with Thoth and have come to believe that gifts such as inspired epiphanies, come from within, and that Thoth represents a path with which one circumnavigates the calculating, thus limiting, portion of the brain that serves us so well in matters of the day-to-day. Today, however, in these times of economic peril and uncertainty, we need to move beyond the ordinary as we search for new solutions—beyond the range of our rational, calculating mind. I would like to invite you to put aside your concerns for a moment and explore the realms within: get out of the way, step aside, and allow something new and inspired to bubble to the surface from the field of intelligence that permeates our being.

(read the rest on…)

Free Phone Preview
Tuesday, April 21 at 5PM Pacific Time.

Meet Normandi and Gloria, find out what the Special Tour of Egypt for Writers is all about and ask your questions on a free conference call: Remembering the Body Divine Preview. Click here to register for this free phone event.

Re-membering the Body Divine
with Normandi Ellis and Gloria Taylor Brown

October 13 through 27, 2009

The Afandina on the river Nile

Open your heart. Learn to utter words of power. As we sail in our dahabeya and tour the temples that were home to the highest spiritual principles, we will come home to the Self, to the inner sanctum.

Join us in this spiritual writing practice as we sail, like Isis, along the Nile gathering the fragmented parts of ourselves and weaving them back together to create the sacred narrative of our lives. Meditate upon your life. Feast upon the fruits of the goddesses and gods. Steep yourself in magic. Open your heart. Learn to utter words of power. As we sail in our dahabeya and tour the temples that were home to the highest spiritual principles, we will come home to the Self, to the inner sanctum.

During the tour, we will be creating a book, with each person contributing a chapter, that would be publishable, either on the web, or in print. Bring your laptop computers, your digital recorders, or your pen and paper. This is your opportunity to begin your masterpiece.

Celebrate Independence Day: Creating the New Paradigm with Charla Hermann and Nicki Scully

Nicki and Charla

Saturday, July 4 10AM-5:30PM Eugene, Oregon

Celebrate Independence Day with ceremony, rituals, and new edge teachings focused on 2012 and beyond.

The year 2012 is being hailed as a pivotal moment in the history of our world. Some see this as an apocalyptic time of chaos and destruction. Others see it as a new beginning, an opportunity for a quantum leap in consciousness that results in a paradigm shift that ushers in a Golden Age. Either way, 2012 and the shamanic death it portends can provide a timely catalyst for the regeneration and renewal of body, mind and Spirit for ourselves and our planet. Please join us for a day of transformative ceremony and new edge teachings as we prepare to become part of the great paradigm shift that is happening NOW.

The price of this workshop is $120 if you register before June 10. Register online at Hathor's Mirror.

More about Charla here…

Osiris card from The Anubis Oracle

Shamanic Mysteries in Egypt with Nicki Scully

November 6 - 21, 2009

Please join me for this extraordinary pilgrimage to explore the ancient mysteries of Egypt. I’ve got something new to share with you. After a 30-year love affair with that majestic, magical place, returning again and again to quest for direct experience and articulation, I’ve somehow reached a new level of perception of the layers of myth and meaning through which ancient Egypt speaks to us. I have also found new ways to immerse you even more deeply in the mysteries and spirit of ancient Egypt. The keys have been unlocked; the way prepared. Anubis, Thoth, Isis, and Sekhmet are among many others in the revered pantheon who will be our true guides as we explore the temples and monuments that still reverberate the intentions of the magician/priesthood that built them.

More Information, Pricing and Itinerary on

Anubis and the Shamanic Blue Star Mysteries of Egypt with Star Wolf, Brad Collins & Ruby Falconer

Anubis, Sothis and Sphinx

February 26 - March 13, 2010

Woven into our journey along the Nile Valley will be the sacred rituals of Shamanic Breathwork™, the Anubis Oracle, Shamanic Egyptian Astrology and other powerful shamanic egyptian mystery tools. As we pay our respects to the sacred sites and temples along the way, we will experience some of the rites and ceremonies from the books, Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt; Awakening the Healing Power of the Heart, and The Anubis Oracle Deck, both co-authored by Nicki Scully and Linda Star Wolf. We will also utilize new books, Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; A Language of Wholeness, co-authored by Linda Star Wolf and Ruby Falconer, and Awakening the Shaman Within; The Shamanic Breathwork Journey by Linda Star Wolf.

Join us as we explore the Shamanic Blue Star Mysteries with Anubis, the Opener of the Way, as our loyal Shamanic guide. Our group of shamanic journeyers will create a dynamic, supportive, co-creative community of soul seekers.

More Information, Pricing and Itinerary on

Shamanic Egyptian Mysteries Retreat

August 19 ~ 23, 2009, Eugene, Oregon

Join Nicki Scully and Gloria Taylor-Brown in Eugene this summer as we explore and weave together the new Egyptian Mysteries that are calling to us. As we continue spiraling upward and forward through the shamanic cycles of death, illumination, regeneration and rebirth that punctuate our ongoing awakening process, we have found that the Egyptian Mystery teachings provide a consistent, unique and always surprising high note each summer. Although the teachings and rites we will be sharing have their foundations in Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt and The Anubis Oracle, this retreat is an opportunity to reach beyond the neteru that appear in those and my other published works.

Registration and more details on Hathor's Mirror

Alchemical Healing I & II Classes with Liisa Korpela
April 18 - 19 & May 9-10, 9:00AM to 5:00PM

Liisa Korpela is offering two weekend Alchemical Healing Classes in Eugene, Oregon. Classes will be held on Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 5pm. Level I will be offered April 18-19 and the Level II, May 9-10. Class tuition is $195 for each series, $325 for both. Returning students are at half price.


For more details, contact Liisa at or call 541-338-9519.

Alchemical Healing Intensive Retreat with Nicki Scully

August 1 ~ 9, 2009, Eugene, Oregon

Participants who enroll in our intensive summer retreat will be guests at my home for nine days of immersion into the Alchemical Healing form. During our time together, you will become comfortable and confident in practicing Alchemical Healing and will be able to integrate many of the advanced practices into your life and your healing work. You will also experience the new edge of Alchemical Healing as it has come into the form since the book was published.

Register Online at Hathor's Mirror

For updated events and a full schedule, please go to our schedules page.

Shamanic Journeys, Ltd.







