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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,
As we approach Earth Day, I find myself on overload, as there are so many issues that seem to need immediate attention. It doesn't seem to matter what we do, there is always more, and we who are committed to serve Ma'at (goddess and concept of Truth, justice, balance and cosmic order), and to reclaim our primary task as stewards of our precious planet. For some, especially those parents and grandparents of young children, our first priority might be to guide the young ones as early as possible to understand the importance of living cooperatively with others, and to respect one another and the nature that is all around us, even if only in small parks in big cities, and to spread love far and wide as their first priority.

The results of dumbing down Americans, which has been in play for decades, has become painfully obvious. About ten years ago I had an argument with an eighteen-year old New Yorker during some down time while cruising the Nile River in Egypt. I don't remember how the subject came up, however I was explaining how butter was churned from fresh cream, and that even now, if you over whip cream, it will separate out and create butter. This highly educated young man was convinced I was joking with him. He was sure I was making up what he considered a ridiculous story of the creation of butter, although he did not have an alternative. Yes, there was a time in my younger youth when I though broccoli came from refrigerators or stores, but that was before I started going to school, and even public school education at that time was sufficient to provide a decent, well-rounded education that included field trips and recognition of the natural world, even for us city-folk. (Besides, in the 40s there were still orange groves on Wilshire Blvd. in Los Angeles.)

Looking at the larger picture of what's currently happening in the world, a huge percentage of our planetary youth don't even have the option of going to school, and malnutrition (as well as lead and other toxins in the water) is another way that deprives generations of poor people everywhere of the natural birthright of healthy brains, without which we will surely lose our struggle to survive as a species.

I have tried to avoid politics in my correspondences, however that is becoming more and more difficult. The latest outrage is the attempt to relieve Dow Chemical of restraints and regulations concerning three dangerous pesticides, opening the way to the possible demise of many endangered species. I am reminded that it was Dow and Monsanto that were responsible for Agent Orange, and the resulting carnage. According to OPB News Hour and Associated Press April 20:

“Over the last four years, government scientists have compiled an official record running more than 10,000 pages showing the three pesticides under review—chlorpyrifos, diazinon and malathion—pose a risk to nearly every endangered species they studied. Regulators at the three federal agencies, which share responsibilities for enforcing the Endangered Species Act, are close to issuing findings expected to result in new limits on how and where the highly toxic pesticides can be used. The industry's request (to scrap regulations) comes after EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt announced last month he was reversing an Obama-era effort to bar the use of Dow's chlorpyrifos pesticide on food after recent peer-reviewed studies found that even tiny levels of exposure could hinder the development of children's brains.”

Dow also gave $1,000,000 to help fund the inauguration festivities. One doesn't have to be a tree-hugger to know what this means, but the dumbing down of America, the forced poverty and fake news seems to have blinded otherwise good, salt-of-the-Earth people to what is happening behind all the smoke and mirrors. Where is the outrage? What are we to do?

What to do; what to do?

All of the following events will help give you the tools to become the Eath Stewards that we are meant to be. Pick one or choose them all…

Spirit Animal Free Telesummit

Recently I was asked to participate in a free virtual event—The Guardian Gateway Spirit Animal Telesummit. Having written one of the classic books on the subject, Power Animal Meditations, I jumped at the chance to join the faculty of this summit, and found myself choosing one of the most intelligent species on our planet to connect listeners to during my presentation. This telesummit differs from others I've participated in by, rather than an interview or discussion, teachers are given free reign to present with very little interruption for the entire hour, after Kim Welborn gives the initial invocation. Register here…

Ganesh is the elephant god in the Hindu pantheon, and one of the most beloved and accessible spirit allies available to us. He not only removes obstacles and personifies wisdom, like all elephants he is known for his intelligence, and his irrefutable memory. He also has a huge heart. It is only as I am writing this that it occurrs to me how important this journey is for everyone right now, as we face simultaneous unprecedented challenges at almost every level, from the consequences of climate changes, deregulation, poverty, health challenges, various conflicts and wars, to having to decide between tearing apart families with an expensive wall and feeding and educating hungry children. During my presentation with Kim as part of her Spirit Animal Telesummit I have offered an elephant journey that is designed for participants to experience the intelligence, the huge open heart, and the ability to solve problems and remove obstacles that are popping up in every direction.

The Spirit Animal Telesummit starts April 24, with two one-hour presentations per day until May 5. Mine airs Friday, April 28 at 1PM Pacific. Please register for this free event here. I have also included a journey for healing with one of my favorite healing allies, Bear, during which she shares knowledge of crystals and herbs. This journey is part of an upgrade package that is optional. You can listen to live calls by phone or on your mobile device, and free 48-hour replays will allow you to listen at your convenience. Recordings will also be made available for sale.

Donna Eden Free Virtual Event on Energy Healing

Wednesday, April 26

My old friend Donna Eden and her husband David Feinstein, PhD are presenting a free virtual event to help you tap into your full vitality with Energy Medicine: Simple Practices to Keep You Healthy and Thriving. You will learn the fundamentals of Energy Medicine—what it is, how it works, and what it can do for you, including useful tools that you can start using immediately. I've known Donna for decades, and her story is quite remarkable, as is her skill. I hope you will take the time to hear her story and learn how she developed Energy Medicine as part of her own healing journey. Register for free here… A downloadable recording will be available to everybody who registers, whether or not you are able to attend the event when it is scheduled.

Book Launch tour:

I truly believe that my new book, Sekhmet, Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess, is coming at just the right time, because every person who commits to the alchemical process that is the primary content of this book will become a warrior for Ma'at and an empowered steward for this preceious planet. Every serious reader will take on the fierce compassion of Sekhmet, and receive the healing they need in order to make a difference in this crazy, chaotic world.

So far there are several dates for my book launch tour, and I will be announcing a virtual book launch party soon.

I am on the board of a educational foundation, the Eugene Center for Ethnogenic Studies. We have a table at the Exploring Psychedelics conference at the Southern Oregon University May 25-26. We will be representing Inner Traditions International/Bear & Co., a great publishing company with many of the best books on psychedelics, and who are also publishing my Sekhmet book. If they can get copies of my Sekhmet book to us on time, we will have them at our table, along with a good sized sampling of their more psychedelically oriented books for you to check out. Please join us at what appears to be a great gathering of like-minded folks.

I will be going to Las Vegas for my first book release and workshop, Sekhmet: Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess, June 2-4. Although it will take place at the Sophia Center for Goddess Studies (with an evening at the Sekhmet Temple in Indian Springs), please use the registration link below to secure your place, as we have only limited space. Friday night is open to the public to learn about Sekhmet and the book, and as it is also the first night of the workshop, you will receive an initiation that is also required for workshop attendance. If there is still room you can choose to register at that time.

More Info and Registration Here…

CoSM is the temple/retreat center in the ongoing process of being built to last by Alex and Allyson Grey two of the greatest visionary artists of our time. It is always a joy and a privilege to present there, and I'm excited to be teaching a three hour workshop on Sekhmet, the Lioness Goddess of Egypt, which will include work from and copies of the new book for sale (regardless of the release date posted on Amazon, ITI, and other major book distribution sites.) My workshop will be followed by their monthly full moon gathering, in which I will also participate. I can't wait to see how the temple has grown. Register for this event here…

Nicki with Bruce LiptonBruce Lipton, PhD is one of my favorite author/teacher/scientist (cell biology)— brilliant, funny and articulate as no other, it is always an honor to share any stage with him. On Saturday, July 17, I will introduce Sekhmet: Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess in a workshop/book signing (Incluidng an initiation from the book) followed by a 30 minute discussion with Bruce and preceding Bruce's evening workshop at the Ananda Temple in Palo Alto, sponsored by East West Books in Mt. View, California. Register for this event here…

My Eugene launch party will happen at Tsunami Books on the new moon, Friday, June 23. Details to come. Save the date, it's free and fun!

More to come. Meanwhile, have a wonderful weekend and Earth Day, and pray for peace, and for truth and love to prevail.

Blessings and love,


Email Newsletter Services by xnau
