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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear friends,
I completed my final editing deadline, and my book, as far as my work, is done. I can't wait to see it in print.

Daffodils in Nicki's gardenToday seems like the first sunny day since I can remember. It feels so good that I'm writing this as I walk, dictating it into my phone. It's so great that while I walk I can enjoy the daffodils and all the early fruit tree blooms. The streets are still lined with the refuse from December's ice storm, but we finally got the tree off of our roof.

Thank you for the feedback on the Sphinx meditation in the last newsletter. I'm glad that it inspired some of you and will try to include more in newsletters to come. In this one I want to share with you a piece from my new book, Sekhmet: Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess, from the chapter on fear:

"Fear is one of our greatest teachers. From the time you had your first childhood lesson of keeping your hands off the hot pot or cook-stove to your current ability to recognize danger and get out of the way, fear has earned our respect and has tremendous influence and sway in our behavior. The ability to discern the difference between fear and paranoia is basic to the mature enjoyment of life and the management of stress. . . .

"Whether your fears are rational and realistic or totally unfounded, they have a huge impact on your life; the transformation that occurs based in how you face those fears can make a great difference in the quality of your life. The importance of dealing with fear cannot be overstated. The powers that control the world have chosen to use fear to manipulate, dominate, and oppress huge segments of the populations of our country and many other countries around the world. We are going to have to stand up and face this. Bringing your fears as close as you can to consciousness is an important part of the alchemical process. . . ."

Please join us on our Alchemical and Planetary Healing Call to Action on Saturday, April 8 at 9 PM Pacific If you can't make it, go ahead and register and you will be sent a link to a recording of our call.

Michael Stone and NickiThe guided shamanic journey that I will offer on next Saturday's Call to Action, is designed to help you face your fears, and in so doing, transform them and release the energy that they block so that you are free of the fears that have dogged you throughout your life.

Since this month's Call To Action focuses on fear, I'd like not only to share the quote from my new book, but also a quote from Michael Stone regarding his thoughts on fear from his latest newsletter:

"We do have a choice! We can let the circumstances, obstacles and negativity harden, overwhelm, and paralyze us in fear and resentment, or we can open, soften and allow them teach us about courage, presence and how to be kinder and more generous towards ourselves and others. We can shut down and move away from life or we can open to the power of love. It all starts with learning to love ourselves and embracing whatever fearful thoughts, situations and circumstances arise in our lives. Can we love our imperfections, vulnerabilities and feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness? Are we willing to open and step into our fears and recognize them as portals to our collective evolution?"

Michael will also be leading a meditation on fear. This promises to be a powerful, transformative morning! Join our free call by registering at Alchemical and Planetary Healing Call to Action on Saturday, April 8 at 9am Pacific

Alchemical Healing Levels I and II tele/web/video classes

Alchemical Healing, Levels I and II Tele/video classes, starting Tuesdays, April 11 at 5:30 PM Pacific.

These Alchemical Healing classes begin on Tuesday, April 11, and will be done in two sections, 4 sessions each. They will prepare people for an advanced class later, either at my home or again via video, depending on your needs. Regardless, this will be a great way for those of you who are new and for those who already practice Alchemical Healing to brush up on the tools and techniques.

This course includes:

  • open hands to generate energy
  • x-ray vision
  • demonstrations of techniques and practices
  • healing with elements
  • spirit guides and totem allies
  • using plant spirit medicines
  • strengthen the body, heal disease
  • jump-start your spiritual life
  • relieve pain
  • The four rules
  • Extractions
  • Ethics in healing

Initiations and other practicies include:

  • Heart and Belly Breath
  • Connecting with Thoth
  • Fire Mist Shower
  • Forgiveness
  • Open 3rd Eye and Crown
  • Wiring your hands to the five elements
  • Visiting the elemental realms
  • The Caduceus
  • Introduction to Akasha
  • More

Students tell me that the tele/video classes give the work more intimacy, and allow them to participate in demonstrations of all aspects of the form, which helps students gain confidence through direct experience and the sharing that happens in a group setting, even on the phone or web. You will receive the most pertinent initiations directly from me, and you will have homework and practices with partners from the class to help you integrate the principles that underlie the form. We will work with a wide range of issues, from injuries to cancer—whatever students and friends offer to be worked on.

Click here to register.

This might be the only time I offer these courses this year, as I will be working with Sekhmet as soon as the book is released. The triolgy Alchemical Healing, Power Animal Meditations and Planetary Healing are required, and if you buy any of these books when you sign up for the class, you will receive a 30% discount and a personalized signature from Nicki.

More Details on Alchemical Healing levels I and II and online registration here…

Check for Alchemical Healing Classes from other teachers, and our trips to Egypt.

Also, as promised, I am participating in and supporting current events with teachers that I respect. They are mentioned in the bullets at the top of this newsletter, and in the following write-ups, based on where they fit in the calendar. As you can see, this will be a very interesting and productive spring.

Free Shine Your Medicine with Torie Michelle Feldman including an interview with Nicki. Summit starts April 4

Torie Feldman is passionate about helping women get crystal clear on their sacred soul purpose by empowering them with practical tools to make their goals a reality. Shine Your Medicine Ceremony is all about sharing a unique blend of shamanism and confidence coaching. I am among 21 diverse and experienced teachers who were interviewed by Torie; they are priestesses, shamans, mediums, and intuitives who have mastered the art of how to break through obstructions so that they can share their gifts and expertise freely and with full confidence to the world. My interiew includes the Heart Breath meditation leading into a direct healing from me to the entire audience. It's a time to receive, and to reap the benefits of the magic that happens when our collective conscious comes together to support and amplify the healing work at hand. I'll let you know as soon as I do when my interview airs.

Please join us. This event starts on April 4th. Register now by clicking here…

Free Shamanic Wisdom for Finding the Gold in Your Golden Years:

Medicine Teachings for Accessing More Meaning, Creativity & Purpose with Tom Pinkson
April 8, 10 AM

Register here…(you will get a recording after the event)

Tom Pinkson is one of the original Bay Area good guys who stepped into the magic of the Huichol Indians in Mexico, and never came out. He consistently shares what he learned, and continues learning, with integrity and impeccability—I'm proud to recommend this teacher and his fine work.

This free call event will illuminate a paradigm shift in how you can relate to aging—expanding your understanding of how to use traditional shamanic wisdom to gain healing, spiritual awareness and the courage to live your golden years with meaning and purpose. It will also help address the root metaphysical issue in the West — identifying with our separation rather than our deep interconnection. Join Tom for a mind and heart-expanding hour where you'll also learn about a brand new program that he is offering that will explore this fascinating terrain in greater depth.

"Tom Pinkson not only studied the spiritual practices of the Huichol — he lives them and their beauty. He is a living example of how we can sculpt a new world through the power of love...
—Sandra Ingerman, Author of Walking in Light and Soul Retrieval

Free registration for Tom Pinkson's Talk here…

Exploring Psychedelics Conference

Ashland at Southern Oregon University, May 25 & 26 2017

I will be part of the Eugene Center for Ethnobotanical Studies table, along with director James Joseph, as part of this exciting conference. Hopefully I will have the first copies of my new book, Sekhmet, In the Belly of the Goddess, if they can get them to me in time. I'll know for sure when we get closer, however we (the ESfES), a local non-profit foundation doing research and building a lending library, are very excited to attend this conference. The new research on this topic is both hopeful and enlightening, and I, for one, can't wait to learn the latest information about what is going on in this fascinating field. Please join us and introduce yourself to me when you do. Go to for more information.

Full Moon Workshop: Egyptian Mysteries with the goddess, Sekhmet

Chapel of Sacred Mirrors with Nicki at Wappinger Falls, NY
June 10, 3 - 6 PM, followed by the full moon ceremony

Check out the link to this event for details and go to CoSM's website to learn about this magnificent temple, a sacred art project built to last! I am honored to be teaching at CoSM again, and sharing ceremony with Alex and Allyson Grey, visionary artists extra-ordinaire . . . I will be teaching an afternoon class on the Egyptian Mysteries—the Goddess Sekhmet, and launching my book. The grounds open at noon, and you will want plenty of time to explore the gorgeous buildings and art installations before my workshop, and the full moon ceremony that follows will be joyful and continue well into the night. Plan to stay over.

Step Into Your Power with the Goddess Sekhmet

Ananda Temple in Palo Alto, Sponsored by East West Bookshop, Mountain View, California
Saturday, June 17 4:30-6:30 pm.

Bruce Lipton and NickiFamed cell biologist Burce Liption will be joining Nicki at 6pm for a discussion on the convergence of science and shamanism, and will continue with his own program from 7 until 10pm. Don't miss this one! Check out details about both events, separate or combined, and register at

The scientific revolution that offers tools to co-create our future validates what indigenous shamans have practiced for millennia. In Nicki Scully's presentation you will experience guided shamanic journeys from her new book on Sekhmet, the healing goddess of Egypt. Nicki will share an alchemical process that transforms negative habit patterns, weakness, and disease into health, courage, and spontaneous evolution. You will receive internal transformation, healing, and awakening as you engage in a rite of passage to develop your abilities to co-create with Sekhmet. This presentation concludes with a discussion with Nicki and Bruce Lipton on the convergence of science and shamanism, and is followed by a solo presentation by Bruce Lipton.

The 30th Annual New England Women's Herbal Conference

Camp Wicosuta, New Hampshire, August 25-27.

Each year, for the past 30 years the New England Women's Herbal Conference has brought together women herbalists, healers, and plant lovers to share their wisdom of the herbs and natural healing. Though the emphasis at the Women's Herbal Conference is on women's health, healing, and well being, the WHC is far more than an educational event. It is a joyful celebration of women spirit and women's wisdom, as well as a special time of honoring the Earth and her plant rich being.

Held at beautiful Camp Wicosuta on New Found Lake, New Hampshire, Camp Wicosuta has been a girl's camp for over 90 years and was founded by a visionary woman to foster leadership skills in young women. The camp provides excellent facilities, indoor lodging, camping, and a lovely sandy beach on the lake for swimming and canoeing. Plus the teachers are fabulous and the topics useful, even imperative! It is without compare, my favorite conference, as it has been produced by Rosemary Gladstar, pre-eminent author and herbalist, and an inspiration to all that are blessed to know her. We've been friends for 40+ years, and I'm always proud to be included in her gatherings.

The Sophia Center for Goddess Studies

Las Vegas, June 2-4

I will be adding a seminar in Las Vegas June 2-4, but we are still working out the details. Please hold the dates, as it will be the first time I will lead the alchemy from the new book, as we will have copies for everyone who registers. It will be held at the Sophia Center for Goddess Studies and the Sekhmet Temple located nearby. Hope to see you there!

Daphne at Nicki's GardenI'm about out of breath just thinking about my schedule, but I live to do the work, and it's what brings me joy. I can't wait to share it with you.

Meanwhile, wake up and smell the flowers: right now the strongest scent come from the Daphne that is planted by the door to the guest cottage and the edge of our deck. Heavenly! And matched only by the joyful love songs of the birds. It's mating season here at Scully Gully…

Have a amazing, magical spring, filled with the fragrance of flowers.

Blessings and love,


Email Newsletter Services by xnau
