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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

A moment in Fairyland, home sweet homeDear Friends,
Today is the Vernal Equinox, the day in each year when the sun rises and sets twelve hours apart, with equal time for day and night. It's also the first day of spring, according to our common Gregorian calendar. At least there is something that is still in equilibrium for our world— a good reminder of the potential of balance for us all.

As I write this, the last of Shamanic Journeys, Ltd. participants are gathered in Cairo, timed so that they can spend sunrise on Equinox between the paws of the Sphinx, a privilege I've experienced a number of times, even as far back as when I went with the Grateful Dead in 1978, although things at the Giza necropolis were very different back then. I needed only to sign to the guards by putting my hands together in prayer pose they would let me in. Now there is a wall around the entire area including the Sphinx, all three pyramids, and all the mastabas in between, and we pay significantly to have it privately, as we choose to do for our tours.

Equinox Meditation at the Sphinx

Regardless of when you receive or read this newsletter, here is a brief meditation to connect you to the Sphinx during the Vernal Equinox in Egypt, and to our intrepid travelers who are there. Time becomes less important when we vision ourselves all gathered there at dawn.

Take some deep, grounding breaths (Heart Breaths if you know how). . . Tune into the Great Sphinx in Egypt. . . It's first light, and you are standing between the paws of the Sphinx, looking up at the eyes that are gazing over you, directly east . . . The timing is close enough that you will be able to connect with the energy of the ceremony that our group is doing, and offer your respect, prayers, and gratitude for this Earth Altar that holds the Akashic Record of our planet, and that connects us to our source in the stars . . .

The heart of the Sphinx opens as the great sentinel comes to life, and you become aware of the presence of an ancient Egyptian priest or priestess, or perhaps Thoth himself, or another deity that has joined you. You are offered a scroll or a direct experience that includes a message regarding an important opportunity specifically for you at this time, perhaps something related to your sacred purpose. (Pause)

Soon you will feel the rising sun as it touches your back and lights up the great Earth Altar before you. . . you realize that the same sun that you feel on you back at this moment has been rising and shining upon the Sphinx for thousands of years. You and the Sphinx share an eternal moment immersed in the wisdom held within the stone as the light of the sun awakens every cell and molecule in your body . . . notice how you feel as your heart merges with the heart of the Sphinx. (Pause)

Offer your gratitude for this experience and the gifts you have been given . . . Feel yourself return to the place where you are reading this newsletter . . . Ground and Center.

It's of benefit to record your experience in your journal if you have one.

Happy Spring. I'm gearing up for a very busy and productive spring, all the way up to Summer, which is as far as I've gotten in my planning for the moment.

I've just started the final proof reading/editing for Sekhmet, Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess, and am gearing up for an exciting launch. It looks like Sekhmet's new book will have it's first launch in Las Vegas, including a ceremony at the Sekhmet Temple nearby, and a workshop at the Sophia Center for Goddess Spirituality. Details are coming soon, and if you want to be there, hold the dates—June 2 (intro and first part of the workshop), 3, and 4. There will also be follow-up conference calls to support participants, as this workshop requires a commitment to an alchemical process with Sekhmet that will take longer than the weekend we have together.

Sandra Ingerman and Michael StoneMichael Stone's New Moon Call to Action with Sandra Ingerman

Michael Stone has followed through on his promise to create new community for Calls to Action for healing our planet, His next monthly New Moon call is happening Saturday, March 25, at 9am Pacific, and will feature author and pioneer Sandra Ingerman as his guest speaker.

Sandra is one of my favorite and most impeccable shamanic practitioners, dedicated to healing our selves and our planet. This call will be focused on the importance of community, about which Sandra says: "In the practice of shamanism it is well understood that there is an exponential power when we work in community versus when we work alone. Someone who is ill might a approach a group of shamanic practitioners. It is amazing to track the difference of the results when somebody works privately with a practitioner versus when a community works together in behalf of an individual. The same is true in gathering the spiritual energy of a group to work in behalf of a community or the planet."

Sandra will talk about how she works to bring communities together. She will also share the scientific experiments that were conducted at her workshops that show the changes we can make to toxic substances and to people suffering from illness when a group participates together in healing ceremonies.

Michael will be sharing about what he calls the community field and how we can access the community Field by attending to the perceptions of our community, deconstructing the Myth of Separation and recognizing interrelatedness with all of humanity and the web of life. Join them for the stimulating exploration into The Gift of Community!

Register Here…

Please share this information with your friends and anyone you think would be interested. FYI, the new moon is a time of new beginnings, an access to unlimited potentiality!

For more information on Sandra Ingerman, go to
For more information on Michael Stone, go to

Michael will be joining me for the next Pleanetary Healing Call to Action on April 8.

Shine Your Medicine

I am impressed with the generations coming up behind me. Some bright spiritual entrepreneurs are so far ahead of where I was back in my 20s and 30s—it gives me hope for the future of the world. With that in mind, I am doing my best to support their efforts, and that includes participating in a new FREE summit, the Shine Your Light Medicine Ceremony hosted by Torie Michelle Feldman, a sharp young leadership coach who is helping many women of all ages step into the full potential of their power and service in the world. This summit features 21 diverse shamanic practitioners, intuitives, and conscious entrepreneurs who are sharing their gifts and expertise so that participants can become confident in sharing their gifts as healers, mystics, priestesses and medicine women with the tools to fulfill their sacred purpose with confidence and joy. My interview with Torie was fun and engaging, and includes direct experience of the Heart Breath and a direct healing from me to you, the audience. Sign up for free at

Michael Stone and NickiAlchemical and Planetary Healing Call to Action

In the meanwhile, I will be doing an Alchemical and Planetary Healing Call to Action on Saturday, April 8 at 9am Pacific, in collaboration with my friend Michael Stone. We are still working out our program, however we are currently considering discussing and sharing a guided shamanic journey around the power of fear, a double-edged sword that can be both life-saving, and life-controlling, depending upon its source. Perhaps we need most to work on our discernment, given how rampant fear is in the world, and the confusion around when it is relevant. We plan to be on air for at least an hour, and given the nature of our discussion, it may go on longer. We will have a recording that anyone who signs up for this Call will have access to, so that you can listen whenever it is convenient.

Alchemical Healing Tele/Web Class: Levels I and II

There will be two Alchemical Healing classes, Level I and Level II via tele-web class every Tuesday at 5:30 PM Pacific starting April 11. Each will have four sessions, approximately 2 hours, with partnership practice and homework in between classes. The next level, an advanced Alchemical and Planetary Healing retreat may or may not happen this summer, as we are considering a break from retreats, partially due to the damage we received during the December ice storm. If participants in the teleclasses, and others who are ready for the levels that complete Alchemical Healing and enter the later work of Planetary Healing, focusing on the larger issues of the environment, environment illness, various world situations, and group healing tools wish to have an intensive this year, I will arrange either a shorter retreat, a tele/web-class, or a combination thereof. Details on Alchemical Healing levels I and II and online reigstration here…

Have an amazing, productive, and magical spring. And remember, what you sow this spring, you will harvest in the fall. May it bring joy, peace, and health to our world.

With blessings and love,


Email Newsletter Services by xnau
