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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,

TGIJ!!! Thank God it's January. I don't think I could have taken another month of 2013. There were highlights–wonderful highlights. Many of them had to do with Nicki and Sage, 1979grandchildren and family.

There was also the excitement around turning 70 and having a birthday party here at my home. To those near and dear who didn't get an invitation, I apologize. I had barely begun the invitation process when I broke my hip. The party went forward with the help of many, but the la-la land of recovery from surgery had a big impact on the invitation list; I forgot to go through my database! Barely a day goes by when I don't think of someone else I would have invited if my brain had been working. That said, it was a truly magical event that must have been blessed by the gods because in the same way we used to measure a good concert, our cheeks hurt all night.

Looking further back in 2013 there was the amazing journey to Egypt and Jordan with Martina Hoffman and friends. I guess that one would be pretty hard to top. And so 2013 wasn't that bad.

Two of the greatest highlights of the past year happened on New Year's Eve and this past weekend that followed, when all the magic that seemed to have drained from my life and work returned in full force.

Alexa Macdonald and Nicki, Alchemical Healing Workshop January 2014On New Year's Eve, Mark and I spent a quiet night in ceremony remembering our creative power and applying that to a study of thought. (Not to be confused with Thoth, although I know he was there, guiding us.) Where do they come from? These thoughts that sometimes spin us around and redirect us in ways we never intended. Or pester us over and over again. Attempting to bring us either up or down or sideways or keep us awake at night.

In our explorations, Mark and I studied thoughts in terms of physics and gravity. Already knowing the power of our thoughts, we looked for ways to take more responsibility in choosing them, dealing with them and creating them in ways that help us in manifesting a viable future – for ourselves, our families, our communities and our planet.

Our exploration of thought led us to discover new ways of thinking, sensing, and experiencing that require genetic modification or evolutionary leaps that are surprisingly simple. In a nutshell: we have the direct connection to source encoded in our own wiring and brains. Those of you that are familiar with Becoming an Oracle, the seven CD audio odyssey program, will recognize that the final journey with Horus when we return to Egypt leads to the discovery of your own unique oracular power. Nicki working on AmandaThis is also the jumping off point for the next level of this evolutionary transmission Mark and I are working with.

Entering into 2014! This past weekend was, for me, the validation that I have come out of the cave of darkness that has been my place of gestation. I was privileged to share my work with a private circle composed mostly of advanced doctors, healers, and teachers who carry the wisdom of healing in their souls, presence, work and in their day-to-day lives. In the two days that we worked together, we shared many AHA moments, several miracles and an actual taste of the evolutionary process that Mark and I first witnessed on New Year's eve.

Here's a note that I just received from Amanda Starlight, one of the participants in the workshop:

It is hard to find words to describe my experience during Nicki Scully's Alchemical Healing workshop this past weekend. It furthered my skills in a healing form that is accessible for anyone wishing to broaden their innate healing capacities as well as deepening their ability to love.

I received a healing during the workshop that addressed my chronic carpal tunnel syndrome. I have had numbness and pain in my arms and back daily for enough years to forget how long. I have tried many different practitioners and tried everything from Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and yoga, to conventional western doctors; however the healing I received during the class took away the pain and numbness immediately and awakened feelings in my body that I hadn't experienced in a very long time. No symptoms have reoccurred. Additionally, it gave me tools to continue my own healing work for others and myself.

The Alchemical Healing experience went deeper than I could have imagined possible. After the healing was complete the empowerment continued; it deepened and proceeded to carry me through a profound journey full of teachings that I am still attempting to articulate. What I can say is that it provided me with vision for a more beautiful existence, and a road map how I can attain those goals.

I left the workshop electric with inspiration and the realization that this work will continue throughout my life— I look forward to fully realizing the magnitude and breadth of benefits this work will bring as it matures in me with practice.

The New Year brings us to new resolutions: we look back at the year that has passed and try to figure out what we can do to make it better. In doing so we often come face to face with our foibles and with those pesky traits and characteristics that seem to sabotage everything we try and accomplish. For many, many people I've talked to, 2013 was a very rough year. If in your reflections you've come across qualities in your personality or what you might consider flaws in your character that you wish to transform I highly recommend Sekhmet: In the Belly of the Goddess, a Tele-web seminar that I'm doing in four parts, starting next Monday, January 13, 2014, 5:30 pm Pacific. I know it's short notice, yet you need to make the decision quickly if you wish to join us, as there are some materials we would like to get to you.

Immediately following Sekhmet: In the Belly of the Goddess, I will be teaching Alchemical Healing Levels I & II. Regardless of all the new things that continue to come, Alchemical Healing remains the base and starting point for the principles of healing and co-creation. Whether you are a novice and feeling those first calls to healing work, or whether you are a teacher from another school or lineage of healing, these classes will provide unique tools and methods that will empower you and your work. Please join us. If you are interested in taking these workshops, we will be working from the books that make up the trilogy: Alchemical Healing, Power Animal Meditations and Planetary Healing.

The Planetary Healing Calls to Action are my seva, my gift and prayer for the healing of our planet. Please join us once again, January 25th at 9am pacific. We are moving these calls to Saturday mornings to assist all those from Europe and the Middle East who have been getting up in the middle of the night to participate. I hope this helps. For those of you in Australia, it will be recorded, or you can join us in the middle of the night. I can't yet say what we'll be working on but I have a feeling it will have something to do with our rapidly advancing evolutionary process.

May 2014 bring peace and joy throughout the world,
Blessings and Love,

Nicki Scully

P.S. Please see our schedule page for additional events from myself and other teachers. Our faculty is growing rapidly and we will rolling out a full announcement for the Alchemcal Healing Academy soon.

"Sekhmet" by Ragen Mendenhall

Sekhmet: In the Belly of the Goddess tele/Skype/webinar with Nicki Scully

All classes held from 5:30-7:30pm PST, 8:30-10:30pm EST: Monday, January 13, Thursday, January 16 Monday, January 20, Thursday, January 23

You are invited to drink deeply of the nectar of the Goddess, and awaken to renewed life! Sekhmet's name means Power, the Mighty One. She is the feminine face of the sun, the Lady of Flame. During this time of planetary peril, she is calling for recognition and wishes to empower all who respond to her call. Known to all traditions, her myths and legends are as old as time. Sekhmet, the Egyptian goddess of both destruction and healing is the feminine fire that transforms; she is also the quintessential compassionate healer. Sekhmet's name is resounding from the lips of men and women who are actively reclaiming their power.

Start the new year with the fulfillment of a resolution that you make to change something of deep significance in your life. What do you need to transform? What habit pattern or pesky, seemingly unchangeable characteristic that has defied transformation do you want to offer into this powerful alchemical process? See Nicki's article In The Belly of the Goddess for more information on Sekhmet.

Online Registration here…

Alchemical Healing Levels I & II with Nicki Scully

Level I - Monday, January 27, Thursday, January 30, Monday, February 3, Thursday, February 6

Level II - Monday, February 10, Thursday February 13, Monday, February 17, Thursday, February 20

All classes held from 5:30-7:30pm/PST

I will present levels I and II consecutively, but as separate classes so that if you've taken level I from me or any certified Alchemical Healing teacher, you can either repeat it or start with Level II. Conversely, you can take Level I to put your foot in these waters and see it this work is right for you. Each level will have four two-hour classes and will include homework practices and some reading. It is best if you already have my book, Alchemical Healing, A Guide to Spiritual, Physical, and Transformational Medicine, which is our main textbook. We will also be using Power Animal Meditations, Shamanic Journeys with your Spirit Allies. The third part of the Alchemical Healing trilogy is Planetary Healing, Spirit medicine for Global Transformation, co-written with my husband Mark Hallert. Students who order any four books published by Bear & Co. on our site will get a 30% discount.

Level I includes:

  • Introduction to Thoth and Fire Mist Shower Empowerment
  • Opening of the hands and third eye
  • Using your hands to feel a person's energy field
  • Learn to feel states of health and dissonance
  • X-ray Vision
  • Learn safe techniques for clearing pain, trauma, illness & emotional blocks
  • Work energetically with plants for healing
  • Safely Access Spiritual Allies, Guides and Totems
  • Distance Healing
  • Forgiveness as an Alchemical Processes

Level II includes:

  • Deeper work with totems, guides and allies
  • Protection and Shielding
  • Initiation to and Healing with Elements
  • Ethics of Healing
  • Introduction to Akasha
  • Power of Commitment
  • Other Therapeutic Processes and potent healing techniques

To learn more about Alchemical Healing and what you will learn in these classes, visit our classes page.

Online registration here.

Free Planetary Healing Call to Action

Saturday, January 25 at 9AM/PST

There is so much going on right now, we are not yet sure what our main focus will be just yet. Your suggestions are welcome and encouraged. Please tell everyone you know to get the word out that we will be doing some serious work on that day for the healing of our precious planet.

Register Here…

Healing in the Cave of the Ancestors tele/webinar
with Nicki Scully

February 11 & 18 - 6:00 to 7:30PM/PST

The first evening we will journey to the Cave of the Ancestors and connect with the spirit shamans who still dwell in this ancient cave in the White Desert of Egypt. With their assistance, we will strengthen and reconnect the fragmented lines between ourselves and the old, wise ones whose strength, courage and tenacity have sustained life for our people so that we are here today. The second evening we will go deeper, learning to heal the wounds and scars created from the many breaks in our historical, physical and spiritual lines, freeing up the energy and channels so that we can receive and send forward the power that will sustain us and the future. You will also learn how to work with these shamans for future healing for yourself and others.

Register Here…

Egyptian Mysteries and Service Journey
with Nicki Scully & Indigo Ronlov

March 17 - March 31

This might be the most important tour to Egypt that I will have taken in my more than 60 tour career. In addition to the deep and magical explorations of the ancient Egyptian mysteries, we are coming together in service for our beloved Egypt. Joining in collaboration with local people, school children and their teachers, we will be Spiritual Service Warriors, removing trash and litter in and around some of the sacred sites we visit, and sharing our knowledge in the practical uses for recycling the plastic into art forms and other utilitarian items.

More Info Here…

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