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Hope, Faith, Strength, and Courage— In Honor of Luke and Angie

Nicki Scully

I wish to pay tribute to these four vital attributes that must be cultivated on our planet during these turbulent times. The cataclysm that devastated much of Southeast Asia has given us a stark reminder of the true power of nature. For many it was a distant, although riveting, event, and it was easy to call on Hope, Faith, Strength and Courage for others in need. But when I feared the loss of my stepson Luke Scully and his adored partner Angie Foust while they vacationed in Thailand, I was shaken to the core.

For me and my family, Hope, Faith, Strength, and Courage became absolutely essential. When we could not find them in ourselves, we found them in one another as we bolstered and supported each other through agony, fear, and uncertainty. It was unthinkable, life without Luke. Yet there is solace in the bitter taste of not knowing—that slim beam of hope shining just enough light in the darkness of the mystery to keep us from accepting that which is absolutely unacceptable.

So where is hope when reality hits? And where do we point our faith? And if it is so hard for us who sit in comfort in our homes surrounded by friends and family, how is it for the frightened orphans, or the mothers who lost entire families along with homes, belongings and livelihoods? Where does the strength and courage come from for those people?

There may never be a full resolution regarding the fate of Luke and Angie—we can only, ultimately, celebrate their lives, their many great accomplishments, and their passion for life and all things beautiful. I choose to believe that they faced the wave with fearless wonder, which is how they embraced all of life, and how I will remember them.

Please, let this horrendous event create something good in our lives and for our planet. Please help us use this as an opportunity to create peace and cooperation amongst the great diversity of cultures in our amazing jewel of a world. Please help us keep Hope, Faith, Strength, and Courage alive—for All our Relations.

The pervasive, unfathomable sorrow over the loss of my stepson Luke Scully and his partner Angie Foust comes in waves, however I have moved toward a kind of acceptance that allows me to move forward. If you missed the five short posts that describe our journey since the tsunami struck December 26, they are now combined into one.
